MYTH: Infertility is rare, and male infertility is even more rare Infertility is quite common; one in six couples will experience it. It is such a sensitive topic though, that many people do not [...]
Did you know that simple things such as diet and the type of lubricant you use might help you conceive faster? Our Utah Fertility Specialists at East bay Fertility provide these simple, yet [...]
What is a person to do when their friend or family member is struggling with something that they have no experience with? It can be tough to know what to say and do. Infertility is no different. [...]
Infertility is a huge stressor to individuals and marriages alike. It is a tough time, and support is a much needed thing to keep you and your marriage strong. Our Utah Fertility Specialists [...]
Our Fertility Specialists have worked with couples dealing with infertility for years. Throughout those years we have come to understand a few coping strategies that can really make a difference. [...]
Men>45 years of age have more difficulty reproducing. Sperm motility decreases with advancing age and there is a 1.5% increase in serious birth defects with advancing paternal age. Men> age [...]