Hey Easy Bay Friends,
Here are is a picture of our babies that all of you helped us have. I just want to thank all of you for helping us create such cute little people. We love them so much. We also want to thank you guys for helping us find many of the wonderful problems with my body.
Thank you all so much,
Matt and Alexis D

Dr. Andrew & Staff,
It was so great to see everyone at the reunion on Saturday. I told Dr. Andrew I would send a photo of all of our twins. Really the only babies in this picture not conceived while doing any fertility treatment are my identical twin boys, Jace and Kash. The rest of the babies in these pictures are because of his amazing expertise. Kelli has two sets of twins in this picture conceived through IVF. I have one set conceived through IVF and my singleton was conceived while freezing embryos. However, even more amazing is the fact that of my parent’s 23 grandkids, 13 are here because of Dr. Andrew. What a blessing!!!!
Kerri Bunker
Kelli Wall’s Kids
McKell & Madison – Age 5 (Front Row)
Kenadee & Kyler – 2 Months (Front Row in Kelli’s arms)
Kerri Bunker’s Kids
Hallie & Kole – Age 4 (Back Row)
Sadie – Age 2 (Back Row on the Right)
Jace & Kash – 1 Month (Front Row in Kerri’s arms)

After 5 years of battling the fertility journey, we decided it was our time to see a Fertility Specialist. We did a lot of research online and calling every Fertility Specialist all over from the state of Utah to Las Vegas. We found East Bay Fertility and Wellness Center online and knew it was the right place for us. Our first consultation went very well Dr. Andrew took us in without an appointment and made time for a 3 hour visit. We went over everything and both had an exam we came out with all our questions answered and a plan just within 3 hours. We decided that the Mini-IVF with ICSI because of low sperm count was the route we would go and best fit our budget. Dr Andrews gave us the option to get started next cycle. We were shocked at how fast we could began this process. By the time we left we didn’t feel overwhelmed or like we were heading into the unknown, we were full of knowledge and excitement for the next step in building our family.
Our Mini-IVF cycle started March of 2012. I started on a round of Clomid and was scheduled to come back to the office for a ultrasound to check on how my body was responding. We came across only 3 follicles that were usable. It was a little discouraging to us but happy to have something. Before moving forward Dr. Andrews gave us the option to continue this month with the 3, or take a higher dose and a different approach to medication and wait for the next cycle. He gave us a percentage and made us feel confident that 3 was a good number to work with and we decided to continue. I began Menopur shots, and progesterone shots to keep my 3 follicles growing strong.
The last ultrasound was scheduled to check on the progress before egg retrieval. When we got into that room I was feeling confident and excited as Dr. Andrew scanned over my uterus, measuring follicles. I kept waiting to see the screen fill up with 3 big growing follicles, But only two were found this time. Again Dr. Andrews gave us the option to move forward or cancel everything and start over next cycle. Our hearts were crushed. We have put a lot of emotions, money, travel, and hope into this process that starting over was not something to take lightly. I remember bursting into tears and confused on whether we should continue and put our chances and what was left on our budget, or toss it all away and start over save what budget we had left with a hopes of a higher chance next cycle. it was a decision we needed to make before leaving the office that day. I had such amazing ladies that day talk to me separately as a person not just a nurse. They gave me their honest opinions, support, hugs and helped make our decision a little lighter. I felt as though I had several sisters with shoulders to cry on each one had their own words of wisdom.

We put it all on the line and decided to keep moving forward. We had confidence that Dr. Andrews and Dr. Thomas Chang would do their absolute best and we were in good hands. We were on pins and needles as I went back for embryo retrieval. As we were told both follicles were retrieved and looked great, we let out a sign of relief. We left them into the doctors hands and headed home to wait it out. The next morning we got a phone call to learn that only one embryo fertilized. We were not sure if we wanted to cry or jump with joy. This means we had one to transfer but had a fear it lowered our chances even more. We got to the office and the embryologist was amazing he let us view our embryo and told us all about it and had so much confidence that it was an outstanding embryo. Just 11 days later I got a phone call saying those words we all wait so long to hear. Congratulation you are pregnant! Dr. Andrew, Dr. Chang, and all the nurses have gave us the biggest blessing and we are very thankful for the support, the confidence, the comfort and helping us bring our little girl to us. They really can work miracles and we are more then thankful for ours.
Draper Family
Dear Dr. Andrew and All Staff
We just wanted to send a quick note (and some pictures) to thank you for all of your help in conceiving our beautiful baby girl! We tried to conceive for 5 long years and had done all the less invasive (read: less expensive) fertility treatment options. I was too scared to do IVF because of the cost, and I was sure it would fail. We started the adoption process and a full year went by with NO birth mother contact. A quick google search led me to you guys! Your IVF program is so affordable that it made me want to try! We drove 13 hours from CA and gave it our all. Our cycle was very difficult as I wasn’t responding well to the meds. Then I had problems with my hormone levels and a thin lining. Just as we got all of that under control, we found out my LH was going up and I was at risk of ovulating before retrieval! Needless to say, we made it to retrieval and beyond. The two weeks we spent in Utah were amazing! Stressful, Yes! but amazing all the same. Because of all your time and dedication, my husband and I have the one thing we wanted most: A happy, healthy little girl!
Dr Andrew: you are very skilled at what you do and I am very thankful we found you!
Dr Chang: you are also amazing at what you do! All four of our eggs fertilized normally thanks to you.
Ladies: Thank you so much for the hours spent talking me through everything! All the advice, support, and encouragement you gave me, will forever be deeply appreciated!
We had some complications for the first half of our pregnancy and you all continued to help us with tests to reassure me that baby was still in there. Thank you! We could never thank you enough for everything. If we ever come up with enough money for another, we will be back to see you all in a heartbeat!!

Thank you, Love Sarah, Jeff & Olivia
Here are some pics of Olivia. She was born a week late on May 30, 2013. 8 lbs 15 oz 20.5 in long. We had a scheduled c-section because of her size and my failure to dilate. We had a great recovery. Olivia is 5 months old and doing fantastic. Thank you all so so so much!
Sarah & Jeff C.
My husband and I had been married for two years when we decided it was our time. Our time to take the next wonderful step and bring beautiful children into this world. We were so happy and so exited! After months and months of trying to get pregnant, charting, temperature taking, etc, we realized something simply wasn’t right. We were frustrated, sad, and alone. Everyone else seems to be able to get pregnant whenever they blink – why not us?
We started to do some online research into fertility doctors and treatments. Like most people, we had no idea where to even begin! In speaking with a co-worker my husband was told about Dr. Andrew, his wonderful staff, and the incredible things they were doing in their Provo office. We decided to check them out. We read every single word on their website and decided to schedule an appointment.
On our third wedding anniversary we had our first appointment with Dr. Andrew’s office. From the second we walked in the door we felt welcomed and comforted. We felt like we were among friends and people that genuinely cared about us. They knew us by name and always had a smile waiting for us at each visit. We felt like we were in the presence of people that wanted to help and see us succeed in our dream to start a family.
Our needs were such that in vitro was our only option. I felt so confident that this would work for us. Dr. Andrew and his staff answered every single question we had, and we had lots. They never got annoyed or frustrated with all of my phone calls and visits. They were as excited about the process as we were! They took the time to teach us how to do injections, outlined when to take meds, etc, things that at first glance seem scary and overwhelming were patiently shown to us until we were comfortable doing it at home. We really felt like we were personally cared for at East Bay Fertility and Wellness Center – that they understood what we were going through and that they could help us.

We were successful getting pregnant on our first implantation. That was the best phone call of my life – the call that changes your life in every way possible. That phone call made all of my dreams come true. I was able to have an amazing pregnancy and a flawless birth. I’m now a proud mother of a perfect baby girl! We are ready to expand our family again and plan on using Dr. Andrew and his loving staff for the rest of our children. We love them so much and couldn’t possibly be more thankful for their time, knowledge, energy, talents, and love. We could not possibly give them a higher recommendation than this – they made me a mother. I will be eternally grateful.
Ruth V.
we want to help you!
Not in Utah? Schedule a phone consultation.
123 N 500 E | Payson UT 84651