40 year old + Multi IVF cycle savings package: $12,000.00
- Must be between 39 and 43 years of age
- Must have a BMI between 19-32
- Must have sufficient preantral follicle count of at least 4 total preantral
follicles - Partner must have sufficient healthy sperm for IVF-ICSI
- Must have normal uterine cavity to support embryos
- Normal thyroid and prolactin levels within 6 months
- Current semen analysis
- Current within 1 year sonohysterogram or hysterosalpingogram
Package includes:
- Up to 3 traditional IVF-ICSI-embryo transfer cycles within 18 months or
pregnancy to 10 weeks gestation whichever is first - Covers ultrasounds/IVF blood tests/embryology and physician fees in those
cycles - Does not include PGS/PGD genetic testing (not required in cycles)
- Does not include medication for the cycles
- Does not include anesthesia/recovery room nurse costs
- Does not include pre-IVF screening/testing/consults