Infertility 101 - Utah Infertility

Infertility 101


Having a baby of your own is considered one of the most valuable gifts in life. Childbirth brings a fulfillment in which a couple’s love for each other and their baby is greatly fortified. Unfortunately, not all individuals are blessed with the gift of childbirth. There are circumstances when a married couple is unable to become pregnant after six months to a year, and many have been trying for many years without success. Some miscarry early and are not able to maintain their pregnancy. Approximately 15% of all couples suffer from infertility.

Much research has been completed to provide greater insight into many of the specific causes of infertility among couples. A little over half the time issues involving the female anatomy or physiology are the cause, the remainder of the time the male is the sole cause or at least a significant contributing factor. The female may be suffering from ovulation issues. It is important for a female to have her regular periods but even that doesn’t guarantee ovulation has occurred or is occurring. Other factors which also contribute to infertility include problems within the vagina, cervix, uterus, fallopian tubes, in the pelvic cavity and even the immune system.

Female infertility can also be attributed to the age of a woman. Women were engineered to have children in their younger years, because as they get older, their eggs have been subject to their lifetime of environmental and natural aging damage. This damage to eggs significantly reduces their chances of conception in their mid to late 30’s and into their 40’s. They also begin to have much higher risks of miscarriages from chromosomal damage as well increase their risks of down’s syndrome and other malformations. On the other hand, fertility problems in men are associated with their sperm count, progression, viability and as they age, there is also an increase risk of genetic abnormalities. Generally, sperm disorders or complications make a man infertile. This is why tracking sperm through semen analysis, acrosome reaction test, kreuger strict criteria, sperm viability testing, etc. are important.

Conditions such as Endometriosis and Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) also result in fertility problems. These conditions are significant medical concerns which need to be addresses to improve your fertility as well as your general health. Conception can be accomplished if a married couple is eager to undertake a procedure called IVF (in vitro fertilization). In vitro fertilization is a very well-known process of fertilization or reproduction in which the egg cell is inseminated by a sperm outside the womb of a woman. This type of procedure has been proven and tested effective.

One of the most important things you can do is work with a fertility specialist who can create a plan to help you overcome your fertility obstacles and embrace the joy of having children of your own. If you think you may have fertility issues, don’t hesitate to call East Bay Fertility Center and set up a consultation with our experienced medical providers. We will diagnose your infertility issues and develop a plan for success for your unique situation. Sometimes just a little personalized help from experienced fertility specialists is all you need.

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