Our Fertility Specialist’s Advice For Coping With Infertility
Our Fertility Specialists have worked with couples dealing with infertility for years. Throughout those years we have come to understand a few coping strategies that can really make a difference.
Acknowledging that a fertility problem is indeed, a problem. A fertility problem may be the hardest challenge you will ever have to face. Facing this fact is a key part of coping.
Don’t put the blame on yourself. In times like these, people can get stuck in a negative thinking mentality. They often blame themselves, for things they did that they shouldn’t have done, or things they didn’t do that they should have. It’s times like this when you need to remind yourself that infertility is not your fault.
Work together with your partner. One of the biggest mistakes that couples make during fertility issues is to let it come between them. Don’t let this be the case with you and your partner. It won’t always be easy, but it is important to be aware of what your partner is going through and helping them emotionally.
Become as educated as possible. The technologies behind fertility treatments are complicated and change quickly. That is why it is so important to stay educated. Read as much as possible and ask questions of your fertility specialist.
Balance optimism and realism. During tough times like this, it is important to stay optimistic. However, if you are unrealistic with your hope, you could be setting yourself up for a sad fail. About one-third of couples that go through infertility treatments will not go on to have a biological child. Staying realistic about these things will help you make smarter choices as you go through the emotional roller coaster.